We agree to live by a standard, a code, a promise to each other that guides our success as an individual, as a family, and as a community. We promise to live with:
We are currently accepting ages 5-18.
Apogee TX High Plains will organize our learning teams by developmental age groups.
5-7 years
8-11 years
12-15 years
16-18 years
No. Our year consists of 7 sessions, each with a unique theme. Each session should be 4-6 weeks long and we will take a weeklong break after each session. It is our intent to offer educational camps during breaks and during the summer.
We are not a private school. We are also not a co-op, although we are a group of homeschool families coming together to build opportunities for our kids and our community. Apogee TX High Plains is an education center that encourages all members to be leaders and entrepreneurs. We will offer education for the entire family and meet the needs of our community in any way we can.
Academics is included in our full-time enrollment. We will offer independent, self-paced programs. Our coaches will help you and your learners set goals in mathematics and reading and writing approximately every 6 weeks. With you as the primary educator in your child's life, we support your family's education goals and work with you every step of the way.
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to
have tried to succeed.”